Addressable Fire Alarm Systems & Control Panels | Mircom

Addressable Fire Alarm Systems

Mircom’s addressable fire alarm systems are comprised of state-of-the-art intelligent control panels, carefully designed to meet a wide variety of applications.

These flexible addressable systems come with a wide array of features and span from single loop panels to expandable multi-loop units that can be configured to meet each facility’s specific requirements. This customization allows for a tailored fit that ensures optimal protection and control, making them suitable for numerous applications such as commercial buildings, residential buildings and industrial facilities.

Whether it’s one of our compact cost-effective addressable panels designed for small to mid-sized buildings or our expandable modular systems for larger applications, Mircom’s addressable fire alarm control systems deliver accurate and reliable fire detection and response capabilities.

View our addressable fire alarm control series by selecting the panel below that best fits your needs.

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