FleX-Net, Re-Certification, Online

Mircom™ is pleased to offer our FleX-Net™  Re-Certification Technical Training Course to be held Online via Google Classroom.  The registration fee includes online class interaction with the instructor, practical exercises with heavy reference to product manuals/programming software, and detailed technical presentations.  After the conclusion of the course, attendees will receive a training certificate by email and will have their FleX-Net key expiry dates extended Online classroom interaction will occur twice per day with one session in the morning and one session in the afternoon. Each session will be approximately 2.5 hrs long. Start times are determined by Time Zone constraints and will be noted in the online classroom. An email with Classroom access will be sent after registration is complete.       Class Enrollment Options and Course Pricing This is a 2-day class to re-certify ESDs on FleX-Net including morning and afternoon sessions, that will be outlined by the instructor. All assignments are required to be turned in for grading by noon of the 3rd day. A final group online meeting will be held at the end of the week (30 minutes) for course feedback, announcement of grades, and recommendations. Below is the pricing option currently available for ESDs […]

FX-2000, 3 Day Training, Vaughan, ON

Mircom HQ 25 Interchange Way, Vaughan, ON, Canada

Mircom™ is pleased to offer our FX-2000™ Technical Training Course to be held in Vaughan, ON . The registration fee includes in-class interaction with the instructor, practical exercises with heavy reference to product manuals/programming software, and detailed technical presentations.  Attendees are responsible for their travel, hotel, breakfast, and dinner arrangements. Mircom will provide lunch and coffee during each training day. Classes are scheduled to start at 8:30 a.m. and end by 4:30 p.m. each day.     Class Enrollment and Course Pricing Before registering for the 3 Day FX-2000 Technical Training Class class, kindly note that enrollment will only be accepted if approved by your local sales representative. This is a 3-day Technical Training class that aims to certify new technicians that have no prior experience with installing and servicing FX-2000 Fire Alarm Panels.  The 3 Day FX-2000 FX-2000 Technical Training course will be offered to each enrolling technician at $1500 CDN. *Please note that the prices listed above do not include local provincial taxes which will be applied once an invoice has been sent to your employer.* FX-2000 SKEY-USBs and UIMA Cable Kits Kindly note, during the 1 day Refresher in-class sessions, FX-2000 SKEY-USB (activation keys) and UIMA cable […]

FleX-Net, Re-Certification, Online

Mircom™ is pleased to offer our FleX-Net™  Re-Certification Technical Training Course to be held Online via Google Classroom.  The registration fee includes online class interaction with the instructor, practical exercises with heavy reference to product manuals/programming software, and detailed technical presentations.  After the conclusion of the course, attendees will receive a training certificate by email and will have their FleX-Net key expiry dates extended Online classroom interaction will occur twice per day with one session in the morning and one session in the afternoon. Each session will be approximately 2.5 hrs long. Start times are determined by Time Zone constraints and will be noted in the online classroom. An email with Classroom access will be sent after registration is complete. Credit Card Payment Payment for the enrollment fee can be made via credit card by downloading and completing the Credit Card Authorization Form at the following link below: Credit Card Authorization Form Once the form has been completed kindly email it and a Purchase Order to AccountsReceivable@mircomgroup.com and pdreyer@mircomgroup.com In your email please include the following information. Customer Account # Amount Being Sent Date of the Training Session attended ATTN: Accounts Receivable        Class Enrollment Options and Course […]

FleX-Net, Re-Certification, Online

Mircom™ is pleased to offer our FleX-Net™  Re-Certification Technical Training Course to be held Online via Google Classroom.  The registration fee includes online class interaction with the instructor, practical exercises with heavy reference to product manuals/programming software, and detailed technical presentations.  After the conclusion of the course, attendees will receive a training certificate by email and will have their FleX-Net key expiry dates extended Online classroom interaction will occur twice per day with one session in the morning and one session in the afternoon. Each session will be approximately 2.5 hrs long. Start times are determined by Time Zone constraints and will be noted in the online classroom. An email with Classroom access will be sent after registration is complete. Credit Card Payment Payment for the enrollment fee can be made via credit card by downloading and completing the Credit Card Authorization Form at the following link below: Credit Card Authorization Form Once the form has been completed kindly email it and a Purchase Order to AccountsReceivable@mircomgroup.com and pdreyer@mircomgroup.com In your email please include the following information. Customer Account # Amount Being Sent Date of the Training Session attended ATTN: Accounts Receivable        Class Enrollment Options and Course […]

FX-2000, 3 Day Training, Online [Class is Full]

Mircom™ is pleased to offer our FX-2000™ Technical Training Course to be held Online. The registration fee includes online class interaction with the instructor, practical exercises with heavy reference to product manuals/programming software, and detailed technical presentations. Start times are determined by Time Zone constraints and will be noted in the online classroom, however each session will begin with a Microsoft teams meeting. An invite will be sent out prior to the first day of training. Afternoons will be spent as self study with periodic check ins to give trainees guidance, and assistance. All self study material will be located on a google classroom environment. We HIGHLY recommend a second monitor in order to follow along with the instructor during streaming sessions. Cut off Date for registering for the May 26-29th session is May 15, 2020 please register before May 15 to ensure a spot in the course.   Credit Card Payment Payment for the enrollment fee can be made via credit card by downloading and completing the Credit Card Authorization Form at the following link below: Credit Card Authorization Form Once the form has been completed kindly email it and a Purchase Order to AccountsReceivable@mircomgroup.com and pdreyer@mircomgroup.com In your […]

FX-2000, 1 Day Refresher, Vaughan, ON

Mircom HQ 25 Interchange Way, Vaughan, ON, Canada

Mircom™ is pleased to offer our FX-2000™ Technical Training Course to be held in Vaughan, ON . The registration fee includes in-class interaction with the instructor, practical exercises with heavy reference to product manuals/programming software, and detailed technical presentations.  Attendees are responsible for their travel, hotel, breakfast, and dinner arrangements. Mircom will provide lunch and coffee during each training day. Classes are scheduled to start at 8:30 a.m. and end by 4:30 p.m. each day.   Class Enrollment and Course Pricing Before registering for the 1 Day Refresher class, kindly note that This is a 1-day Refresher class to re-certify existing technicians with experience installing and servicing FX-2000 Fire Alarm Panels that had also previously attended a Mircom 3 Day FX-2000 Technical Training class.  The 1 Day FX-2000 Refresher course will be offered to each enrolling technician at $500 CDN. *Please note that the prices listed above do not include local provincial taxes which will be applied once an invoice has been sent to your employer.* FX-2000 SKEY-USBs and UIMA Cable Kits Kindly note, during the 1 day Refresher in-class sessions, FX-2000 SKEY-USB (activation keys) and UIMA cable kits will be provided on a temporary basis to technicians for the […]

FleX-Net, Cedar Grove, NJ

Mircom Cedar Grove, NJ 98 Commerce Road, Cedar Grove, NJ, United States

Mircom™ is pleased to offer our FleX-Net™ Technical Training Course to be held in Cedar Grove, NJ.  The registration fee includes in-class interaction with the instructor, practical exercises with heavy reference to product manuals/programming software, and detailed technical presentations.  Attendees are responsible for their travel, hotel, breakfast, and dinner arrangements. Mircom will provide lunch and coffee during each training day. Classes are scheduled to start at 8:30 a.m. and end by 4:30 p.m. each day. Class Enrollment Options and Course Pricing This is a 3-day class to certify ESDs on how to properly install and service FleX-Net. Below are two training options that are available for ESDs when registering for Flex-Net In-Class Training. Kindly read over the following ESD categories and choose your options carefully when registering. Should you have any questions feel free to ask our training team. Option 1: New FleX-Net Technician - One attendee, one key, and one cable kit $2195 + tax per person 3 Days of FleX-Net Training (Tuesday to Thursday) 8:30 am- 4:30 pm For new technicians that have no prior FleX-Net Training and do not have a programming key or cable. Option 2: Existing Flex-Net Equipment, New Technician - One attendee, no key, […]

FX-2000, Re-Certification, Online

Mircom™ is pleased to offer our FX-2000™ Technical Training Course to be held Online via Google Classroom. The registration fee includes online class interaction with the instructor, practical exercises with heavy reference to product manuals/programming software, and detailed technical presentations. After the conclusion of the course, attendees will receive a training certificate by email and will have their FX-2000 key expiry dates extended Online classroom interaction will occur once in the morning. The session will be approximately 2.5 hours long, afternoons will be used to work on assignments as self study, with the instructor being available for minimal guidance. All self study material will be located on a google classroom environment. Start times are determined by Time Zone constraints and will be noted in the online classroom. An email with Classroom access will be sent out a day prior to the beginning of the class. We HIGHLY recommend a second monitor in order to follow along with the instructor during streaming sessions Cut off Date for registering for the June 3rd session is May 22, 2020 please register before May 22 to ensure a spot in the course.      Credit Card Payment Payment for the enrollment fee can be made […]

FleX-Net, Re-Certification, Cedar Grove, NJ

Mircom Cedar Grove, NJ 98 Commerce Road, Cedar Grove, NJ, United States

Mircom™ is pleased to offer our FleX-Net™  Re-Certification Technical Training Course to be held in Cedar Grove, NJ.  The registration fee includes in-class interaction with the instructor, practical exercises with heavy reference to product manuals/programming software, and detailed technical presentations.  After the conclusion of the course, attendees will receive a training certificate by email and will have their FleX-Net key expiry dates extended.  Attendees are responsible for their travel, hotel, breakfast, and dinner arrangements. Mircom will provide lunch and coffee during each training day. Classes are scheduled to start at 8:30 a.m. and end by 4:30 p.m. each day.   Class Enrollment Options and Course Pricing This is a 2-day class to re-certify ESDs on FleX-Net. Below is the pricing option currently available for ESDs who want to register for Flex-Net Re-Certification Training. Kindly read over the following instructions. Should you have any questions feel free to ask our training team. Option 1: Existing Flex-Net Experience, Technician Re-Certification (Wednesday and Thursday Only) - One attendee, no key, no cable $795 + tax per person 2 days (Wednesday - Thursday) 8:30 am - 4:30 pm For existing technicians with previous FleX-Net Training/Experience with FleX-Net keys that are about to expire This […]

FleX-Net, Irvine, CA

Mircom Irvine, CA 73 Bunsen, Irvine, CA, United States

Mircom™ is pleased to offer our FleX-Net™ Technical Training Course to be held in Irvine, CA. The registration fee includes in-class interaction with the instructor, practical exercises with heavy reference to product manuals/programming software, and detailed technical presentations.  Attendees are responsible for their travel, hotel, breakfast, and dinner arrangements. Mircom will provide lunch and coffee during each training day. Classes are scheduled to start at 8:30 a.m. and end by 4:30 p.m. each day. Class Enrollment Options and Course Pricing This is a 3-day class to certify ESDs on how to properly install and service FleX-Net. Below are two training options that are available for ESDs when registering for Flex-Net In-Class Training. Kindly read over the following ESD categories and choose your options carefully when registering. Should you have any questions feel free to ask our training team. Option 1: New FleX-Net Technician - One attendee, one key, and one cable kit $2195 + tax per person 3 Days of FleX-Net Training (Tuesday to Thursday) 8:30 am- 4:30 pm For new technicians that have no prior FleX-Net Training and do not have a programming key or cable. Option 2: Existing Flex-Net Equipment, New Technician - One attendee, no key, no […]